
Understanding You

Sometimes change is hard to really understand. I remember when I was a teenager, I had a hard time with this band, I was really deep into the 80's glam rock scene, and they were "harder" than what I thought. After I got out of school, and opened my mind to other music I gave them another chance. With one…

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Yep, We Just Might Be the Best

When this dropped, it was insane. I grew up listening to 'Em, and literally watched when he had all the "slim shady" pouring through celebrities with the same look, same blonde hair. Fast forward and he disappeared for a while, then BOOM dropped this insanity. Showing that he was still on top after all this time. This song at the…

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Transforming The Youth

My daughter used to put this on all of our family playlists when she was in high school. I always found it to be a little funny and quirky and really liked the distortion in the music. Then I really started to look at the lyrics. OH MY... When this released in 2006, you never thought of the insanity that…

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Creating Something Real But Not

Remembering back with this song, I always liked it, it wasn't until many years back when I learned what Gorillaz really was. Could you imagine thinking I hope this band goes on tour and waiting waiting, only to see that it was a simulation of a band represented by a quirky comic team. Yep, mind blown. Then going down the…

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We Gotchu

I'm not going to lie. I don't know this song that well. I've heard it a ton of times on the radio, and always thought it was a cool song but literally paid no attention to it. In the hopes to be a little more diverse I was looking at top songs, and when I played this, I was all...…

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Whole New Sesame Street

Can you sing the alphabet song without singing it? Do you add the now I've sang my ABC's at the end? There are 2 things to this song. First, the obvious, it's catchy and makes you sing the alphabet beginning in a whole different way. Second, so much resentment with added humor. The truth is that in any relationship that…

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Game Called Life

Starting another month, and I have to start with my favorite artist. This is actually one of my favorite songs, I wasn't sure that I was going to use it, but when you think about how life has so many different ways of showing you things, you might never see. You see different voices and hear different stories even with…

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Any Given Sunday

MOTHERFUCKER JONES!!!! Yep, I said that. The movie Horrible Bosses always has had a soft spot for me. I've had my share of horrible bosses, and just MIGHT have wanted to have them disappear. When we started Steel Raccoon one of the first things I wanted to be assured of is that we wouldn't be THOSE bosses. The industry has…

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Play on, Play on, Play on…..

Every once in a while there is a song that you hear, usually in an elevator, and think, how was this popular. Some of it is that the album was popular, or the artist was well liked but you just don't get the song. Then there are songs that you hear at an event or party and realize it's the…

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So Far Away

Take out your lighter and raise it up!!! Pretty much nothing like a little 80's glam rock. Out of control insanity at it's best. Throwing TV's out of your hotel room, and all the insane and probably inappropriate content that's sang about. Everything about living through this time still makes me smile. A lot of people don't really take into…

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