We Gotchu

I’m not going to lie. I don’t know this song that well. I’ve heard it a ton of times on the radio, and always thought it was a cool song but literally paid no attention to it. In the hopes to be a little more diverse I was looking at top songs, and when I played this, I was all… this is a good one. Then listened to the words, then looked up the words, to make sure I wasn’t hearing something that wasn’t. It is a pretty straight forward, you’re in a relationship that not only sweeps you off your feet, but makes you float. LITERALLY FLOAT… well maybe not literally but makes you feel that you are. We always are looking for that perfect feeling, that connection that makes things just make sense and feel that much better. For us in business we often associate this feeling with a positive campaign, or a product that just takes off. With influencers it’s the feelings of shares and likes, and things going viral. Your customer service should be no different. You want your customers to call in and feel that way about your company. Someone might be contacting you angry or frustrated and it’s our job to spin that feeling into something a little better. Small steps to forming that relationship until they are so happy that they can’t contain it and tell others about it. Steel Raccoon not only finds ways to make campaigns even better, we find ways to solve problems and create a buzz that channels our inner Criss Angel, rises above the ground and astonishes those surrounding us. That’s right, its you… customer service… it’s you, saving lost sales, we’re all you need, come dance with us, we’re levitating

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