
The Mullet Lives

While the title might give you a huge hint, it also might throw you. Another one of the Disney kids grow up, only this one made her claim to fame by playing 2 roles in the same show. One was a rock star the other was the ordinary kid trying to juggle the double role. The mullet, well add the…

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When Did Those Kids Grow Up?

Starting off the "Month of Disney" was one of my kids favorite shows. This post isn't about the show as many of them will be but more about the star of it. In one of the past months, I used one of her songs with about the same meaning. How did these kids that were on Barney and these types…

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Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s my pleasure to introduce to you

Picture this, trivia night at your local pub. Final tally has put you in a 3 way tie for first and the last questions are for the win. The prisege, and free drinks are on the line. The question comes, first two teams miss it, and we know that JT is from Memphis, Tennessee. But the question is in what…

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Lighting up the Skies

The boy bands that I remember were nothing like this.. or were they. A group of guys singing and dancing routines, but there is something different about this one. This song came out of nowhere and went up the charts. It's not K-pop, it's not C-pop, it's literally pop that comes from Korea. Something that had never been done, and…

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The Mullet Just May Have A Point

If you haven't seen the Super Bowl commercial featuring this, you are completely missing out. In general this song was a turning point, and a super great decision and marketing of an up and coming artist with a... dare we say has been? Something about this collab just made sense and not only had a good base to the song,…

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Sticks, Stones and all the other fun things

I think that the chorus of this song is what sticks with me the most and why I felt that I had to throw it on this summer list. In the end, I think we all have things that we feel that we are good at, or better than others...but we are really not that good. We enjoy it and…

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When The Bees Dance

If you haven't seen this video, you've gotta take a peep and check it out. Not because it was the greatest video, but because this is one of those iconic moments in the 90's that just made you smile. A definite one hit wonder that never really hit high on the charts but everyone knew this song. I would venture…

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When the Hustle has Swag

I remember when this came out and the steel drum riff hit, I was all that's fun... and then the edited version started playing on the radio, and it was something else. How can you even enjoy the song when you don't get to hear half the words and it feels like an old vinyl skipping and yet still has…

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And POOF, They Grow Up

Have you ever known a kid and then didn't see them for a while and next thing you know the little baby is a school aged kid, that toddler is a teenager and that teenager becomes an adult. This song was that for me with a "celebrity" the last one that I remember this being from a kid to an…

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Not the Bling you Were Thinking

With July right around the corner, I thought it might be fun to slow things down and go in the direction of a Star Spangled Rodeo. Thinking about the buckles and the events that go along with a rodeo, the work that these guys put into their profession and the aches and pains from doing what they love. The times…

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