
…and the snow fell

Ending this month was a rough choice. I don't think I went in a lot of directions that I thought I should. But I did enjoy sharing some thoughts and really trying to show ways that Steel Raccoon can help with the best customer service, create the best team, and have the best representatives for your brand and products. This…

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One foot on the platform, the other on the train

When I was growing up, there were 2 things about visiting my dad that I always could count on. One, that he would have a fully stocked fridge of beer and the other that he would be sitting on the couch playing his guitar. Going to age myself again here, my dad was a tinkerer he would take electronics apart…

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Empowering Your Service Team

The importance of customer services cannot be overlooked in today’s digital age. However, the experts agree that it is one of the most difficult steps to achieve even for established names in any industry. The reason is simple. People want to be heard and responded to. If you don’t respond to their queries, someone else would. This is because it’s…

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🤦‍♂️ enough said

No matter how many times you go through it there is always someone that you have to deal with that just wears you out. Banging your head against the desk, deep breaths, and even stepping away from your desk doesn't help that they got you. I have always believed that there is a circle that you can keep pushing through…

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Oh No! I’m bleeding

Have you ever been to a city that you just loved being in. Taken a walk through places that just made you smile. My personal city of choice has always been Seattle. My grandfather took me there when I was 16 and showed me the underground tunnels, and showed me the locks where fresh water meets salt water and vessels…

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Who’s got your back?

Sometimes the people that are in your inner circle aren't exactly who they seem to be. Some people are looking for something from you, some people are there because they have nothing else to do. Someone might just want to use your notoriety for their advantage, and others just are good with having somewhere to be. When you are planning…

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Flying Free

Do we create our fate? Are we born to succeed or fail? If you were born green, and had to wait hand and foot on your sister. Would you look for a wizard to help you? Meet a best friend that is "perfect" Being different has become one of the leading draws for how to lead. Someone tells you you…

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You Got Beef?

With 2 kids that went to college in Colorado, how could I not include something from 3oh3, yep that 303 runs from the cities to the mountains, seeing the rocky mountains covered in snow is something majestic that you can't just unsee. Amazing! But as a city kid from California, taking trips there sometimes are more work than plan, and…

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Creating Your Own Competition

Flashback to 1986, Hip Hop is becoming more mainstream, and the leader in that plunge was Run DMC. This was a time where CD's finally took over as the medium of choice over cassettes and vinyl was starting to take a backseat to these listening methods. As a kid (well soon to be adult at 16) I went to our…

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Ignoring all the warning signs

Had to throw on another Avril song. Sorry, not sorry. This was one of the first releases for the punk princess's new album. Going back to the roots having that drive and push of a song. This whole album is one of my favorites of hers from all time. The day of it's release I listened to it on repeat…

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