Being the Bad Guy Isn’t Always a Bad Thing

It took me a while to see this movie, and I liked the sequel as well. What isn't there to like about race cars and breaking things. While it takes a while to team up, usually the unlikely pairs are able to do things that no one else could. Thinking in brain and brawn helps make this team win over…

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Why the Clouds, Sunshine?

I might be able to throw you on this one. Let's see if I can keep from giving it away from the beginning. This is one of the top sports movies that tackles some very serious issues. In the same arena, this is also one of the songs that hit the top, despite having a deep dive outside of the…

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I’m Underground, I Fell Down

I am going to admit this right here. I had this picked before really thinking about Disney movies or shows. It's my favorite singer, and she is on this list twice. This movie tells of an adventure of someone that follows the path of another and leads to one struggle after another. But within the struggle, they meet others that…

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Prequel FTW!

Do you cringe when someone makes a new movie of an old classic? The second movie almost never works, how about the 4th, and as a prequel? Well this one blew my mind, both as a totally entertaining movie, and a really good lead in to what the original movie was. While it might not have been as whitewashed as…

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French Cuisine at its Best

There were a few songs from this that would have really been good to use, but this one was chosen because it's such a funny scene. Imagine having to hide and run away from being cooked. While someone sang about your demise with such excitement and passion. Step by step singing about what they are doing to make you into…

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The Mullet Lives

While the title might give you a huge hint, it also might throw you. Another one of the Disney kids grow up, only this one made her claim to fame by playing 2 roles in the same show. One was a rock star the other was the ordinary kid trying to juggle the double role. The mullet, well add the…

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Rock Along with Steel Raccoon

Every work day needs a bit of inspiration. Steel Raccoon is supportive in having a fun and joyful work environment. Our team put together a mix of music to get your day off to the right start. This month we are featuring Songs from The Disney Universe. Can you guess where they are from? Be sure to save this playlist…

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When Did Those Kids Grow Up?

Starting off the "Month of Disney" was one of my kids favorite shows. This post isn't about the show as many of them will be but more about the star of it. In one of the past months, I used one of her songs with about the same meaning. How did these kids that were on Barney and these types…

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Rock Along With Steel Raccoon

Every work day needs a bit of inspiration. Steel Raccoon is supportive in having a fun and joyful work environment. Our team put together a mix of music to get your day off to the right start. This month we are featuring Songs from Modern Movies. Can you guess where they are from? Be sure to save this playlist as…

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Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s my pleasure to introduce to you

Picture this, trivia night at your local pub. Final tally has put you in a 3 way tie for first and the last questions are for the win. The prisege, and free drinks are on the line. The question comes, first two teams miss it, and we know that JT is from Memphis, Tennessee. But the question is in what…

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