You Find the Craziest Things in the Bayou

I don't know about you, but there's something about a beignet that just makes me happy. There's something even more exciting about when they are so fresh they melt in your mouth. The powdered sugar just seems to melt and have a light glaze on your lips, and the mustache it leaves is just a happy trail of tastiness that…

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Are You Telling This Story, or am I

I don't know about you, but how crazy is it that this song made it to the charts and was played OFTEN on the radio. It is catch, and in my opinion one of the best songs on the soundtrack. This whole story in itself is crazy, alienating someone that can tell you what the future shows because you don't…

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Life’s a Beach

My daughter introduced this one to me when she was 12. Blasting songs from this soundtrack with the top down in the Mustang, moving and a jiving to these super cute "beach songs" With West Side Story vibes, and a throwback machine wave, this was a cute flick that I probably have seen too many times. You've got bikers, and…

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Bringing Home the Right “Dog”

Another family post, actually back to back. This time, you've got a crazy kid and a sister that's trying to make everything go ok despite losing their parents. Of course the best thing is to get a new family pet. Little did they know they adopted a crazy alien experiment, and this became a problem. Jobs were lost, things were…

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When “Family” meets a family

Sometimes it's not easy to follow up when you mess up. This song is from a movie where protection wasn't enough and the assignment was to in essence babysit. Of course with all the silly things you deal with a group of kids from teengers to a baby while still trying to "catch the bad guy". With good clean fun…

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Oh Peasant, Kiss My Ring

If I had known how many sequels were available I might have just done this whole playlist on songs from movies from other movies. This song and movie rings pretty well to the people that are on the top. Not the good managers, not the great owners, but the people in charge (or think that they are in charge) I…

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Number One on the Field, Number One in your Heart

Did the title of this give it away. No one I asked when I made this list remembered this as a Disney movie, though it is a cute one and I suppose you can categorize it as a sports movie as well as a cute dramedy. Sometimes you don't know what is going to hit you, the past comes back…

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Be What You Want To Be!

If you've seen this one, this has GOT to be one of your favorite songs from the movie. Are you quirky and have thoughts of being something no one thought you would ever be? Are you a big football player that has the voice of an angel? This song, not only really shouts to stop what you're doing and find…

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When Community Becomes National

Sometimes I don't realize how many sequels there are, and how many I actually like. Maybe it's because if there is a "brand" that is going well, you might as well ride it until the wheels fall off. While I really enjoyed the first of this sports franchise, this one was one of the more "fun" ones to watch. Involving…

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There’s Something About Being a Demigod

On repeat... over and over and over. My grandkids played this and STILL ask me to play. I've seen TikToks with this song in the background and even some of our family playlists have this song because come on, the Rock singing is just amazing. The fact that his daughter doesn't even know it's him IRL that is the voice…

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