My daughter introduced this one to me when she was 12. Blasting songs from this soundtrack with the top down in the Mustang, moving and a jiving to these super cute “beach songs” With West Side Story vibes, and a throwback machine wave, this was a cute flick that I probably have seen too many times. You’ve got bikers, and surfers and of course a dreamy couple. Giving the old school vibes to the old 60’s beach movies, and a little bit of what Grease would be on the coast. While it might not be the “best” movie, it was worth a watch and has some toe tapping music throughout. Imagine being stuck in a movie, and the only way to get out is to watch the weather patterns, so you can catch a wave and ride your magical wave back to reality. The rivalry is silly, the acting is what you’d expect from a side Disney movie, but you absolutely get what you would expect from the movie. Silly teenagers on the beach always will be some sort of plot for a movie no matter what day and age you might be in.
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This is a tough one, IYKYK… if not, well check it out here! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2325989