
Power, Money, Minutes and Hours

There are 3 types of movies I just can't pass up. Good, bad or indifferent I will watch them. The first one is a feel good sports movie, doesn't really matter the sport, some of my favorite random ones I've watched were just track or swimming movies (though football and basketball movies are prob my fave), the next is a…

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Making My Way Downtown

This song starts, and if you're anything like me the first thing you think is.. "How did you know...I love this song" not because it just slays.. but because of Latrell Spencer. Yep, IYKYK. This song pretty much epitomizes the movie that it is from, and the whole not judging a book by it's cover. This song was never intended…

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One Time at Band Camp

Yep, I am a band dork. If you knew me you would totally know that. Marching band, Jazz band, concert band, I've done it. I was never that good, but I had a lot of fun.. I started playing the trumpet when I was in 4th grade to get out of class and do something different, and it stuck. In…

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Felt cute, might delete later

This one hits hard.. really hard. Not the normal chill music that I usually listen to but there was a day that this was stuff that was listened to all the time. Here is the thing. This rings so true. You are only going to get where you push yourself to get. There are always going to be those that…

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What does your world look like?

The world sure has changed since the 90's. The signs of the times are much different, and if you don't really watch, you might miss something. Between insane court battles, political craziness and the world being turned upside down for a few years we are making a new history. We are completely a different generation and that means that we…

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More 80’s Montage Music Please

OMG!!! I finally get to write about Rocky. I know, weird to be so excited about it but let me tell you. I am going to someday write a thesis about how all the Rocky movies including Creed are interlocked about life, and how to deal with diversity and get through things. I can't even think of songs now that…

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Like Kobe in the Fourth

I can barely remember before youtube was huge, and that social media took over and invented influencers. Back when people actually cared about what American Idol was doing, and to be a celebrity you actually had to have something to show. Enter Justin.. some kid singing songs for the internet, sitting on the steps in front of his house in…

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Don’t Grumble, give a whistle!

Somethings are just something that you have to have a taste for, Monte Python might be one of those things. Whether it's only a flesh wound in one skit, or the repeating of spam in another, some people just don't see the humor, me on the other side, find a great amount of joy watching these. This song tho, can…

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Keeping Up With The Jonas’

As a father of a then preteen when the Jo Bros first came out, I avoided the Disney bubble gum pop music. (I had to deal with 1D however as the Mrs liked them too) They were super huge, then they like most young artist groups, stopped. They went different directions, a solo career, another band and family life were…

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Paying With Meatballs

Oh man this is a throwback, not only to the original song but with who has "sang" this song along the way. One of my favorite renditions was in the movie the Wedding Singer, and while this song is a classic, my first thought when I hear it always goes back to this version. (Check it out here: )…

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