
Ways to Measure Customer Loyalty

Measuring your customers' loyalty helps to evaluate where you currently stand. Customer loyalty can be used to fine-tune your services, especially customer relations. Your dealing with customers to make sure they go home satisfied with your brand is the foundation of customer loyalty. Customers loyal to your brand will buy from you again and spread positive word-of-mouth about your services.…

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Does Cold Outreach Have a Future?

You can’t help but be surprised to see a person who is all-excited about outbound sales. Isn’t traditional telemarketing a thing of the past? Well, not really. While many think this kind of business is obsolete, the surprising part is that companies that use cold outreach the right way succeed like anything! If you have used this type of marketing…

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Taking Britney Another Direction

This is one of those remakes that took something in a very good direction. They made it more modernized and really tells the story in a fun way. There's something about a switch up movie that just makes me smile. I couldn't imagine if that happened with ANY of my kids. I think I could handle some of it, but…

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Might Be A Little Bit Crazy

Have you ever had a family member that was your best friend. Maybe? Have you ever had a best friend that just listens and never says anything? This whole movie revolves around a boy that does everything with his Grandma, she just sits in her wheelchair and listens, and sometimes smiles. One day you knock over some pictures and see…

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Reddy or Not Here We Go

The title is as big of a clue that I can give you without really giving this all away. Pretty classic story, of a boy and his "imaginary" friend who just happens to be a dragon. They are chased by a backwoods group of people that claim to be his family but really just want a young slave. They find…

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There’s a Snake in My Boot

This is an easy one, between the song, and the title of this post, it's pretty obvious. None the less, there is still a story to be told. This is the first movie we took my son to, that's right 1995, and he was just weeks old. Yeah, we were those people that brought an infant to the theater. Lucky…

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You Find the Craziest Things in the Bayou

I don't know about you, but there's something about a beignet that just makes me happy. There's something even more exciting about when they are so fresh they melt in your mouth. The powdered sugar just seems to melt and have a light glaze on your lips, and the mustache it leaves is just a happy trail of tastiness that…

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Are You Telling This Story, or am I

I don't know about you, but how crazy is it that this song made it to the charts and was played OFTEN on the radio. It is catch, and in my opinion one of the best songs on the soundtrack. This whole story in itself is crazy, alienating someone that can tell you what the future shows because you don't…

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Life’s a Beach

My daughter introduced this one to me when she was 12. Blasting songs from this soundtrack with the top down in the Mustang, moving and a jiving to these super cute "beach songs" With West Side Story vibes, and a throwback machine wave, this was a cute flick that I probably have seen too many times. You've got bikers, and…

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Bringing Home the Right “Dog”

Another family post, actually back to back. This time, you've got a crazy kid and a sister that's trying to make everything go ok despite losing their parents. Of course the best thing is to get a new family pet. Little did they know they adopted a crazy alien experiment, and this became a problem. Jobs were lost, things were…

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