I told you that this month would be full of inspiration! Today’s installment is extra special.
The Pandemic brought a lot of changes to modern business. It especially hurt the touring business of musicians. A band in particular, SOJA took this time to reflect and take their energy into the studio to produce a new album. They put so much love and passion into their art and the album was essentially completed. The band faced a huge decision. Do they release the album now when people could use a lift in their life or wait until they can properly market the new music on tour like they have always done?
The band decided that it was best to give a little healing to the world at a time it needed it most and released the album with a bigger purpose. It was gamble for sure but it paid off for them with a different kind of exposure. This album won a Grammy for Reggae album of the year and has had record sales as a result for the band.
Today, we bring “Something to Believe In” to the Steel Raccoon Playlist.
It shows that if you lead with your heart and compassion that customers want to conduct business with you. Especially if you have a product that can make their day slightly less stressful. Our Call Center is full of big hearted individuals that care about the success that the customer has with your product. When they tell us on the phone that they are going to lose weight for a big event we are in the background being their cheerleader. We want them to believe that they can have that life change.
Connecting with your customers is just smart business. To us its essential in being humans and that is why we are celebrating all these great vibes all September long.