Welcome to September! It’s been quite the summer at Steel Raccoon. When we discussed a possible theme for this month we knew that we needed to appreciate the Vibes before the season truly leaves. We have been busy taking on new clients and expanding our staff and training efforts.
Our first song, “Life’s Been Good” is a reflection on life and that you must embrace the good with the bad to truly live. Being passionate about the things you love and taking each life detour with positivity. How you handle both sides of fate brings out your true self. It’s well documented that the entrepenuer fire that burns within you can easily be lost without the right mindset.
I hope that you take this song and reflect on the great wins that have you earned so far. Without your commitment and efforts your business would just be an idea or continued talk of how awesome it could actually be. We formed Steel Raccoon with Marketers in Mind! We know the struggle and challenge that comes with taking on this lifestyle as we have walked the same road as you.
We have ran offers, designed websites, created brands, brainstormed awesome content, and more. We also have made millions along the way and understand that business is not just a quick goldmine discovery. Its hard work and proper execution that brings you the financial freedom that you demand.
An experienced BPO Call Center that can help you maximize the wealth of your business. We are more than an invoice on your quick books. A true marketing partner for your business. We just happen to accomplish engagement conversion and save refunds.
In closing today, I hope you have a plentiful September and enjoy the Vibes and Customer Service Insights.