Certified banger here today on the Steel Raccoon Spotify Playlist. Kendrick Lamer’s DNA is a lyrical masterpiece. It dives into culture, ambition, and power. This song really hits home for the marketer within me.
“I got hustle though, ambition, flow inside my DNA”
We work really hard at chasing the dream and flexing our independence. As entrepenuaers we only answer to ourselves and have a clean understanding of our strengths and weakness.
For myself, I am RockStar at Customer Service and Phone sales. It’s embedded in my DNA after 25 years of experience. Being completely honesty, I’m moderate at creating Ads and Copy but absolutely stink at website creation. So when I am working to build out a dream campaign, I talk to veteran marketing experts and work with trusted partners to bring the vision to life.
It’s fair to assume that you likely have never worked in a call center environment or lead a team in this industry. It goes beyond just answering the phones and being friendly. In its own right, it’s an additional marketing campaign at your disposal. How you maximize your team is the ultimate difference maker.
If I wanted to get high end traffic to my offer, I would work with the best traffic agencies in the industry. I want that skillset in their DNA. I want them to have the same passion for their craft as I do mine.
I would hope that you expect the same from your Inbound Call Center.
If you feel that you service goals are missing the mark it’s time to finally have a discussion.