One of my favorite things about committing to writing a music playlist blog for Steel Raccoon is the discovery of new music. I’ve been wanting to spread the word on Rich Brian since he performed at Coachella and now Edamame comes to the Spotify Playlist.
“Poppin’ Bottles on the Yacht”, isn’t that the ultimate goal? I have literally danced on the sidewalk while this song plays in my headphones. I’m so into the moment that everything else is blurred.
When was the last time that something motivated you this much? For you it may be a great book or maybe a call from a mentor. We all have our own little ways of pushing inner motivation. Content creation has become mine in recent weeks. I love customer service and the blueprint that actually makes it successful. Being able to talk about the industry here on the blog or through my social media posts has just been my rocket fuel lately.
Sometimes it’s just about finding that spark. I hope that a few of our song selections have pushed your hustle forward.
Your customers also want to feel that energy. It’s why your webinars and marketing are precisely targeted to bring out those emotions. Sadly that illusion many times gets lost when they talk to dull or engaged agents. Steel Raccoon’s Inbound Customer Support team continues to emulate your business from our initial “Hello”. We keep the hype going all day for the benefit of your customer.
Think about your recent interactions with customer service. I’m certain that the memorable experiences came from individuals that wanted to brighten your day and do the job to its finest. How do you want customers to remember you?