I’m using a bit of creative freedom here so bare with me. “Entrepreneurship.. The hardest 9-5 you’ll ever have”.
We bring “Rap Game” to the Steel Raccoon Spotify Playlist and from the intro above we are going to talk about the struggles of being a business owner in the Wild West known as Internet Marketing. This topic is so deep that I’m spreading it over the next Music UnMasked blogs.
One of the biggest pitfalls of this industry is working with the wrong partner. An industry founded by Marketers has its downfalls because we are extremely good at fluff and building a vision of where you want your company to succeed. A bad traffic partner for example can load your conversion with fraud and stop your business dead in its tracks before it even grabs momentum. Your fulfillment partner is only going to create returns and chargebacks with subpar delivery times.
A terrible Customer Service partner will also destroy your business. If customers experience long hold times they will just hang up and contact their back to start a chargeback. If the service is bad when they finally get someone to speak with, it will hurt your sales and increase returns due to the lack of trust.
I cannot stress that you want to vouch your partners. The business that you have put so much passion into its creation deserves the best support possible. Steel Raccoon is that partner with over 20 years experience in Customer Service and Phone Sales.
Yes, this industry is harder than clocking into a mindless job but the rewards are unlimited (as long as you choose the right people to ride along with you for the journey.)
Part 2 continues on 5-14-2022!!