We are proud to announce the partnership between Steel Raccoon and REISUMO bringing a US-Based customer service voice to REISUMO students and visitors.

    Get in touch

    Real Estate Experts Need Help!

    We know you are busy scheduling appointments, updating listings and drafting documents. With such a demanding routing, it’s inevitable you won’t be available for every call, which means potential money lost.

    We brought in Steel Raccoon, who is committed to helping you maximize your leads by taking the phone calls (most of the time in real time) They have been trained directly by our team to help maximize your leads and take the phone calls for you, making sure that no potential client or buyer leaves dissatisfied or frustrated.

    Whether you are working during the day, in meeting throughout the afternoon and even asleep for the night. Your new team will be available to handle your incoming calls.

    • A large part of real estate depends on timely answering of inbound calls
    • Forward you calls easily to your team
    • Divert all calls, select the calls to forward, or use on your off hours

    Get Started Now

    • Choose the virtual team that is needed for your inbound calls
    • Discuss the specific needs with your team advisor AND REISUMO
    • Final Walk through to verify that our team understands your business and your voice for seamless transition.

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