No matter how many times you go through it there is always someone that you have to deal with that just wears you out. Banging your head against the desk, deep breaths, and even stepping away from your desk doesn’t help that they got you. I have always believed that there is a circle that you can keep pushing through to get your message out and stop the feeling of sinking because of someone else. I always have heard people accuse others, YOU made me do this, the reality is that everyone has their choices on how they are going to react to a situation that isn’t optimal. The sad fact is that you can’t MAKE someone do something with words, or gestures. They choose their own reactions, and how they are going to represent themselves. There isn’t a right or wrong way to do the best thing possible, just being able to do it and making sure that a frustration or concern is heard is often enough. Providing a solution is the next step. With Steel Raccoon we make sure that we listen, evaluate and represent any issue with a solid foundation created with your brand in mind. We choose not to talk down to an angry customer, we choose to make sure that a broken bottle or damaged package is redelivered without any hassle. The fact is that no matter how hard you try, there is going to be people that you can’t please, but the least you can do is allow them to be heard, and supply them with the best amount of knowledge that you can and wish them the best. Ugh, metal health sure drives you mad~!