I don’t know about you, but there’s something about a beignet that just makes me happy. There’s something even more exciting about when they are so fresh they melt in your mouth. The powdered sugar just seems to melt and have a light glaze on your lips, and the mustache it leaves is just a happy trail of tastiness that you just can’t replicate. Take some toe tapping music, a bunch of amphibians and a well dressed voodoo magician and you’ve got one heck of a story to tell. Fact is, I have a tattoo that represents this movie, and it’s one of my favorites.
Something so sweet about having your customers taken care of. Whether you’re just starting or have been doing this for a while, your customers need to hear from you, they need to be able to get your voice out of ever interaction, whether it’s chat, email or a phone call, there’s something special about someone representing you exactly how you would represent yourself. Don’t sell yourself short and try to take the easy road and ask for some magic to help. Take the time tested way of storytelling, and helping walk from point a to point purchase from the professionals at Steel Raccoon. Dig a little deeper and find out what your customers want, and find a way to profit from what they want. That taste is sweet sweet music to all of our ears!
I know there isn’t much to go on, but I think this is a pretty easy one. Did you get it right? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0780521