The boy bands that I remember were nothing like this.. or were they. A group of guys singing and dancing routines, but there is something different about this one. This song came out of nowhere and went up the charts. It’s not K-pop, it’s not C-pop, it’s literally pop that comes from Korea. Something that had never been done, and still hitting the charts hard as of today. This song not only has a really toe taping beat, and super cute and “poppy” it came out of nowhere to top the Billboard hot 100 doing something that no other band out of Korea has ever done, and only 2 other songs have ever debuted at number 1. (Aerosmith and Jonas Brothers were the other 2) Something that came out of nowhere and rose to the top quickly (and staying up there for a bit, it seems) has now become a staple on the radio and even in the news.
Steel Raccoon is similar, our rise came out of nowhere and quickly became one of the top call centers for abandoned cart recovery. We have what we consider the leader of “collecting money from nothing”. With some campaigns being over 60% recovery but an average of above 35% across all campaigns, there is no doubt when done correctly that we can make money out of nothing. All this still while in soft launch and only working with select companies. We provide not only a reason for your lost customers to become a new paying friend, but we also increase the original cart value by showing your visitors what they missed before they tried to check out. Talk about an explosion of increased revenue.