My dad used to play this song a lot when I was a kid, sometimes he would play his guitar and sing along and it was pretty awesome just to be around. I never had that musical knack, I played trumpet for years but never really did anything other than play what was written and practiced what was on the paper. I didn’t learn scales, I didn’t learn to do anything that I could just jump in and play without music. But I did learn to work hard, and while passion wasn’t my thing marketing was. I always enjoyed figuring out how to make a buck, selling baseball cards, or bottle caps, POGS… that was a thing for a while. Even lemonade stands were pretty successful. In the end I learned to sell myself, the ability to take something that either didn’t exist or that was broken and not working, and finding a way to make it profitable. This song exemplifies that process, it becomes part of who you are. You have a business and are looking to do customer service to help your customers, you know they have questions that they need answering. Not only do we supply quality customer service, we also have a full service staff that can build landing pages, do graphics, help with additional marketing and even doing a complete revamp of a brand to create your own competition or just to move away from some negativity associated with a campaign. We are here to help, no matter what. Remember, if you see us coming better step aside, a lotta people didn’t and a lotta people died.. one fist of iron the other of steel.. if the right one don’t get you, the left one will!!!