THE EPITOME OF 80’s MONTAGE SONGS. Everytime I hear this song, it takes me to the All Valley Under 18 Karate Tournament. A young Daniel providing a show with his Miagi-do defensive karate. Watching those Cobra Kai’s advance in the tournament, until it’s one on one, well, 2 on one, with a brutal forced injury timeout, Daniel comes out and…. crane kick.. and.. no spoilers here. Just this song gets me hyped but thinking about what is the best. Have you ever went to a higher priced company and it just didn’t do the trick. Their prices indicate that they are the best, but their service is just strike first, strike hard, no mercy. Driving customers to continually have their legs swept, causing chargebacks and cancellations. Steel Raccoon doesn’t say we are the best (around), and yet our actions indicate that for your needs, that we just might be. While we might be a little green, and sporting a JC Penny belt, ($3.98) but still able to come through and win the chip. Nothing like taking a product or service and making it into a strong butt kicking brand! It’s what we do…